Opening circle, introductions, oracle cards
Guided meditation
Facilitation with giving/receiving relaxing healing touch using creative sensual pallet (silks, feathers, flowers, oils, crystals, sound healing, etc)
Sound healing/singing together
Close the circle
Optional social after
On or near the Full Moon each month at specified date
6:30-8:30pm, optional open social until 8:50
San Rafael private location, given upon reserving your spot
Reserve your spot, Venmo to @goddessmodern, please leave me your name and email
Please send $44 to Goddess Modern Venmo @goddessmodern. Leave your name and email.
San Rafael private location, given upon reserving your spot
Thank you so much!
Receive relaxing healing touch on a monthly basis
Enjoy the bliss that comes from giving healing touch experiences to others
Learn and explore qualities of touch and use of a creative sensual pallet
Feel grounded, safe, and inspired in a community of women
Awaken sensuality as a source of vitality and well-being
Be inspired how you can share your own version with your loved ones
These are not sexual experiences. Please contribute to a safe space for women to give and receive by being aware and mindful of holding your personal orientation in a respectful way within this container.
Thank you