Silence as a Therapeutic Modality

silence, quiet, meditation, yin, self-care

Benefits of silence

Speaking just to speak and fill in space creates leaks in one’s energy field, and can contribute to a depletion of Yin (feminine energy).  Speaking just to speak tends to be empty in substance, and is a non-productive use of time for everyone involved in the experience of the speaking and the listening.

The tendency of speaking about concepts which are never backed up by action is disempowering for the speaker, and over time is also a drain for the listener.  Speaking in ways that are judgmental and making others look bad in any way is a drain for everyone involved, and only feeds the indulgences of the under-developed ego and shadow within.

Using the power of speaking to do anything outside of creating positivity is a misappropriation of that precious creative power.

Silence can restore a torn or deficient energetic field.  It can help redirect the energy through an alternate channel of greater need (for instance, repairing the channel of the voice and re-directing the energy through the channel of action/expression in the solar plexus, or grounding and stability in the root).

Silence puts the over-speaker into a state of listening and receptivity.  Silence creates reflection, receptivity.  It creates depth within a moment and an exchange with another, as it creates space for the other, and an attunement to the whole rather than the self.  It creates a slowing down, bringing more mindfulness to making choices that are positive and empowering.

Speak less, listen more.  If we speak less, and let the way we live life be the expression of the concepts we agree with (and want to be in alignment with), that is a fundamental way to build our personal supply of power, individually and collectively.

Merely speaking about ideas that one thinks is positive, yet living in a way that does not reflect that speaking, is not a productive use of time or life force energy (our most precious personal resources).

Be what we speak, and we heal the wounds of disconnection between our thoughts, words, feeling, and actions. The greater alignment of these modes of creating, the more personal power we develop, and the more conscious we are in our creating, on all levels.

This world is in dire need of conscious creators.  Speak less, listen more.  Speak with the awareness of the massively creative power of words.  Use speech to create a better life and better world, and be the living expression of those words.

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