True Essence of Self

higher self

In the deep core of our being there lives a place where all is well.  This is the temple sanctuary of true-self  or higher-self, which keeps one grounded in body, heart, and fluid with the moment.  Disconnection to this higher-self can be experienced as both physical and psychological disease. 

It’s normal (and to a degree, even healthy and essential for our soul growth) in the human experience to feel far away from this at times, maybe even for years.  One benefit of body/mind/spirit practices is that they create pathways for us to find our way to this sanctuary within.  

From within the sanctuary, worries dissolve into the light of truth; not in a way of mental escapism, rather it’s a felt experience of this truth – there is a quality of perfection to its unfolding and the developmental journey of our souls.  Even if that journey reveals all of what’s painful, dark, and scary about our own shadows.  This is where we cultivate The Warrior within, to face these shadows and transform them into the light of conscious awareness.

In this deep core of being is total acceptance of oneself, each other, and the moment.  It’s a place inside that’s free of judgements, and where the playing field is level.  There’s no right or wrong, no good or bad.  It’s our radical self-compassion and forgiveness.  It’s also where we hold ourselves accountable and commit to wise choices.  This is how we refine ourselves to be the true essence we really are.  It’s the process of alchemy of the human experience.

When the mind can surrender into this Supreme Truth and can both honor what is, while also engaging “the warriors path,” it helps to create a more peaceful a rooted connection to the moment (which amplifies our conscious creative capacity).

Over identification with ego truth detaches us from our true essence, is weak and flimsy, and is highly clever at creating blocks and detours from our connection to Supreme Truth.  One function of ego truth, is that it not only feels good to give into it (and be a self-righteous victim), but it also requires far less effort to be connected to ego truth than the rigors that one undergoes to in order to accomplish Supreme Truth.  

Supreme Truth is the only path for those who those who value freedom.

Ego truth addresses symptoms, Supreme Truth addresses the roots.  

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